Saturday 24 March 2012

Genre theory

Genre theory has direct relation to our project, therefore I would like to discuss and analyse how this is situated within our project.

Fiske describes genres as 'attempts to structure some order into the wide range of texts, and meaning, that circulate in our culture for the convenience of both products and audience. Genre refers to defining codes and conventions for a category of texts, which is predominantly constructed through a series of signs (visual and aural) which are indefinitely linked to that genre. The genre in which this project focuses on is hip hop, and romance, and there are various ways in this genre can established throughout our music video and ancillary tasks.

The first is through iconography. This helps the audience to know what to expect, and therefore aids their understanding. Iconography that my group have discussed to include in our video includes wedding calenders, confetti perhaps and even flowers, to associate the love between the couple.

The setting also establishes the genre. Through conducting research, it has been evident that Bruno Mars' romance videos are set in open spaces, therefore we too will follow this regime.

Themes also run through our video, and this further reinforces the genre; upon first viewing, the video may appear to be all about love and romance between the two, which primarily it is. However, there is also the struggle between the family represented in scenes set at home, which show that in the abscence of her partner, the female character is unhappy. Abscence makes the heart grow fonder, which is shown in later scenes.

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