Friday 30 March 2012

Feedback: Creative Arts Evening

Last night was the creative arts evening at school, and from this screening of our video and ancillary tasks we have collected some feedback of our work; overall, there were mixed reviews of the two parts of the project.

In terms of the video, the majority of feedback was that the narrative was extremely clear, and therefore enjoyable to watch. The narrative that many grasped was that when the couple were together, all was well, however without each other it wasn't, and this was the aspects that we were aiming for, which is positive. Other elements that was commented on positively were that the mise-en-scene matched the song, the couple had obvious chemistry and the video overall projects love and spontaneity. 

However there were also some negative feedback about our video. Feedback sheets were given out to years 8 and 9, and many commented on the fact that the lip-syncing at some points was slightly out of touch, and could have been tighter. Some shots also went out of focus at some points of the video, and this meant that people began to not focus on the video and almost dismiss it. The shot types were also commented on; many reviews stated that they  were too simplistic, and slightly boring; suggestions given of new shots were jib and tracking shots.


In terms of my ancillary tasks, many liked the fact that the promotional poster was a 'poster within a poster'; it was a nice touch and the brick wall reinforced this. The CD case was simple and to the point, meaning it was attractive and again the mise-en-scene and layout fit the genre.

This feedback evening, although all not positive, is a positive thing I feel for the fact that now as a group we are aware of the strengths and weaknesses of our project, and will amend these as soon as we can to create the best possible music video and accompanying tasks we can.

Below is a video of a sixth former reviewing our work:

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