Saturday 21 April 2012


EVALUATION QUESTIONS: 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop, challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Bruno Mars' songs fall into the genre of romance and love, and his videos often reflect this, for example the song "Just The Way You Are." The song represents his love, and stereotypical music videos of this category usually contain the lead singer, and a love interest, in this case a female. However, unlike in Bruno Mars' videos whereby it consists of only himself and another person, my group and I decided that we wanted to subvert this convention that he has created, and use several other people in our video. It was very easy to do this too, as there is no original video that has been released to this song, therefore it became easy to produce our A2 video as we wished, basing it solely on our own ideas.

Whilst studying Bruno Mars' official videos of his songs, it became evident that there were many factors in which he includes, that we must too include in our video. Examples of these are shown in the locations, e.g. Bruno Mars continually uses open spaces for his music videos, be it a room, apartment, roadside etc. We mirrored these conventional locations, and used a park, an empty room (photobooth section) and a normal home (wedding planning).

In addition to this, there are also conventional shot types that Bruno Mars' uses that we too found appropriate for our own music video, for example Bruno Mars' frequently is shot sitting and singing, looking directly in the camera, and certain shots are taken from different angles which make it easy to cut and edit for a fast effect. We imitated this shot type, and continually use it in our music video.

Bruno Mars' videos also use effects and transitions, for example the lens flare, and the dissolve tool on Premiere Pro which differentiates between scenes. Again, we used and developed this convention, and challenged it slightly in that we also used a different transition tool; a cross stretch.  

In reference to my ancillary tasks, I feel that they didn't directly challenge forms and conventions of real media products, but instead follows them ritually. My product uses the conventions of real media products in various ways, for example the poster has an eye catching bold title, and an iconic image of 'Bruno Mars'; which is easily recognisable. Conventions are developed in the use of typographic styles and image styles to convey and reflect the genre of the poster/CD, in addition to the target audience, and I feel that my media products reflect this. The font style 'Nueva Std' that we chose as a group is consistent throughout the entirety of my media products, and therefore follows a house style.

To conclude, I feel that that my media product uses conventions of real media products extremely well; it mirrors certain aspects that were evidently needed to produce such a task, yet also subverts aspects that as a group we decided to include. Overall, the video and ancillary tasks use the same techniques as many of Bruno Mars' promotional packages.

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