Wednesday 28 December 2011

Narrative theory

Whilst producing storyboards for our music video, it became apparent that narrative theory would coincide with our work.

Narrative theory examines the way storytelling frames the content and meaning of media messages, and is used in fictional and factual media, in this case, fictional. Storytelling is at the heart of all human interaction, and we use these stories to explain an event to an audience, and perhaps even our internal thoughts. The aim for our video is to portray the spontaneous love between a couple, and therefore storytelling will become almost second nature within this media text. The narrative depth within the video gives objective character identification, therefore the viewer is given unique access to a chacrater's point of view such as seeing things from their mind, dreams or memories.

The narrative begins with the couple, and although does not have a direct story, it explains of their struggles (wedding planning, parents getting involved) to their highs and delights in their relationship (park scenes etc).

This theory also includes the proposition of character functions by Vladamir Propp, and the cycle of equilibrium by Todorov. In terms of this video, the character functions are not all that clear as there are few characters seen within the video, however if we were to allocate roles, they would be as following:
- Bruno Mars: hero
- Love interest: the princess
- Mum/Dad: Villians or those who interrupt the equilibrium
The equilibrium is established at the beginning of the video, interrupted throughout the planning scenes however settled towards the end of the video.

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