Wednesday 16 November 2011

Style Guide

Throughout my years of doing Media Studies, I have grasped that it is important to create a style guide when creating a media product, therefore insuring consistency, including things such as font and writing style, colour schemes and the layout of products. By the the use a style guide, it's easier to look back and refer to, and also follow the same style elements of overall product, allowing the media product to turn into a brand.

Here are some possible fonts that we've researched, that we feel fit into the genre of our music video and ancillary tasks.
The fonts that particularly stand out to me, in the "Glee" Style Guide, is 'Freestyle Script.' Reasons for this are simply that the serif italic writing seems to flow, and to me as an audience, reflects the genre Glee as a programme, in that it is not overly complicated; instead, is simple and sophisticated. The curves on the letter G and L seem to be fun, and the font is written with ease.

In the "Bruno Mars" Style Guide, I am drawn to two different fonts: 'Impossible' and 'Nueva STD Cond.' They are both also serif fonts, and bold, be that the size or colour, and each are different in that Impossible, although containing a strike through the words, it is still easy to read, and I feel the strike through adds a edgy touch to the wording. Nueva STD Cond appears to be quite a dull font, however the serif touches it contains such as the curving on the end of the letters is very appealing, and I feel would be beneficial in our music video.

1 comment:

  1. Priya
    When discussing decisions you should always make reference to the audience and relevant generic conventions. Consider how you want the work to be interpreted and how you are targeting the key demographic.
    Mr. White
